Selling in a Seller’s Market

Nashville is experiencing a hot seller’s market which means once you list your house for sale, there should be high interest if you’ve priced it correctly. It’s best to have your house in top condition to avoid unnecessary distractions. Selling your home in today’s Nashville market doesn’t mean hiring a realtor to just stick a[…]

Dotloop for a Paperless Transaction

EXIT Realty Georgia Evans & Associates is a paperless office. What does that mean, how can you be paperless? Don’t you work with paper contracts? Yes! We do work with paper contracts, but our brokerage takes listings to sell homes and we write offers to purchase using a paperless system called dotloop. All of our[…]

What Questions Should I Ask a Realtor?

An experienced, professional Realtor helps guide your journey and keeps you on track with your time and money. My opinion is it’s never a good sign if you call up a random Realtor and ask them to show you a property and he/she says, YEAH! Let’s go right now! Here’s why- if they can go[…]

Divorcing Your Nashville Home

Please note: I am not an attorney and I’m not giving legal advice or counsel. It is best to employ proper Tennessee legal counsel to divide your property assets. If you need a reference to an attorney, please ask me. As you can imagine, divorce is time consuming, emotionally draining and can be very expensive.[…]